- Hey hey ladies and gentlemen. This is my first time writing on my blog and it’s such an honor for me to be able to write my thought and share it to the world. The main reason for opening up this blog was due to the curiosity factor. Before deciding in opening up the blog account, I heard a lot from my friends whereas it is one of the medium nowadays that is effective in providing information regardless it is true or false.
- As a tech savvy generation (thanks to our beloved Ex-Prime minister and the greatest statesman, Tun Dr. Mahathir), it seems like an obligation for me to learn about the blog and open up an account for my personal benefits. During my yesteryear as a bachelor degree student, I did learned something on the matters pertaining to creating and owning a website. Even though it just a scratch on the surface but hey, it helps me a lot in understanding the setting of this blog account, posting up new post, adding pictures and et cetera.
- Since being an amateur user of blog, perhaps my blog is not fancied enough by most of the reader. My write up possibly as simple as kindergarten writing level that might insulting your intelligence (sorry for that). Hopefully it will improved a bit in a matter of time.